Happy Pigeons Community

Community is the nucleus


Create vivid, supporting and respectful housing-communities integrated in the local neighborhood - that’s our vision!
Starting in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, we are creating an active living-environment where you meet your neighbors regularly, help each other out, learn from each other by sharing skills and improve your daily life by sharing resources like common spaces. Our current coliving space is just the beginning of the journey.

Meet some of our current colivers and alumni:

coliving community Berlin

Pigeons Profile

Are you asking yourself - is Happy Pigeons is the right place for me? Take a look below: if you think that this is awesome, you definitely belong to the nest!

Proactive attitude

Let us be clear: we are not that kind of coliving that organizes 5 events per week. Yes, we do have events BUT, in general, we see our role more as a facilitator:
You want to have a “how to make tacos party” or plan an art night - no problem, we got your back! We (financially and physically) assist you buying the materials, communicating with the community and preparing the space. Easy as pie!

coliving event Berlin

Eager to meet people

You want to get to know and hang out with people, organize and participate in activities, experience new stuff and grow as a person? Then the nest is right for you!

coliving party Berlin

Open minded and respectful

We are a bunch of people with different characters, cultures and experiences. An open and respectful mindset is crucial in this environment. Are you ready to challenge your cultural and social status quo from time to time? If the answer is yes, you are good to go!

coliving diner Berlin

… and our values

coliving values

Be yourself
No need for flexin’.
We want you, not your business cards.

Proactive & friendly atmosphere
Think about other pigeons.
Something’s up? Raise your hands!.
”We all sit in the same nest”

coliving values

Take ownership
Together we create the space.
Leave the world (nest) better than you found it.

Diversity rules
Open minded = Pigeon minded
Everybody different? Everybody cool.
Respect is key. “Only love can conquer hate”

What's our community up to right now? #happypigeons